SIPA trading

Access a range of high-yield investments

SIPA Trading is the asset management division of the SIPA Group. It manages exclusively the portfolios of its clients based in Switzerland.

Our core business is discretionary asset management, which we offer in partnership with Swissquote Bank, the leading online bank in Switzerland.

Our portfolio model is based on active management and a combination of macro and proprietary micro analysis. We strategically select investments that will generate better returns than global indices.

Get a global view of your business with micro and macro analysis


The micro and macro analysis methods offer you the advantage of analyzing your company and its underlying actions.


Microanalysis allows us to characterize the strengths and weaknesses of the company's activities. This is the highest level of control.


Microanalysis is a global approach to the economic environment. It involves taking into account certain aspects over which the company has little or no control, such as fiscal or monetary policy.

Total independence

  • We do not receive any remuneration from third parties, we are completely independent and are remunerated solely on performance.
  • Our efforts are 100% focused on the performance of our clients' portfolios.
  • Our staff will accompany you throughout your investment process and will be available to answer all your questions.

Our latest trading news

Find our recent articles or go to our news page to discover all the topics discussed.

Top Economic News – Week 48

Can we have it both ways? For two decades, trade expansion has fueled rapid global economic growth. But with trade volumes contracting at a rate of more than 1% year-on-year and the Sino-U.S trade war nearing its two-year anniversary, world growth will plumb decade-lows next year, the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development predicts.

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Top Economic News – Week 36

Financial policymakers from around the globe are preparing to convene — virtually of course — for the springtime meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. G20 nations’ finance chiefs meet too on April 7.

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Nous faisons partie de SIPA Group SA

Consultez ses divisions complémentaires.

SIPA Immobilier

SIPA Immobilier acquiert des immeubles de rendement en Suisse pour des investisseurs institutionnels et privés. Nous gérons l’ensemble des démarches relatives à leur acquisition.

Nos clients deviennent actionnaires de nos immeubles et perçoivent les dividendes des revenus locatifs au moins une fois par an. Ils bénéficient à valeur proportionnelle de leurs investissements réalisés, d’un rendement attractif et stable.

SIPA Property

Nous offrons aux investisseurs et aux utilisateurs finaux l’accès à des propriétés uniques dans les marchés nouveaux et émergents.

Grâce à notre réseau de promoteurs et d’entrepreneurs internationaux, nous choisissons la construction de logements dans les zones les plus dynamiques, avec des prix d’entrée abordables et des normes de construction et de conception très élevées.

SIPA Maritime

Nos partenariats exclusifs avec les principales compagnies maritimes mondiales nous permettent de proposer aux investisseurs un accès unique.

Profitez de solutions sur-mesure dans l’investissement direct de navires commerciaux.

We are part of SIPA Group SA

Consult its complementary divisions.

SIPA Immobilier

SIPA Immobilier acquires investment properties in Switzerland for institutional and private investors. We manage all the steps involved in their acquisition.

Our clients become shareholders of our properties and receive dividends from the rental income at least once a year. They benefit from an attractive and stable return on their investment.

SIPA Property

We offer investors and end users access to unique properties in new and emerging markets.

Through our network of international developers and contractors, we choose to build homes in the most dynamic areas, with affordable entry prices and the highest standards of construction and design.

SIPA Maritime

Our exclusive partnerships with the world’s leading shipping companies allow us to offer investors unique access.

Take advantage of tailored solutions in the direct investment of commercial vessels.

Wir sind Teil der SIPA Group SA

Sehen Sie sich seine ergänzenden Abteilungen an.

SIPA Immobilier

SIPA Immobilien erwirbt Renditeobjekte in der Schweiz für institutionelle und private Investoren. Wir verwalten alle Schritte im Zusammenhang mit ihrem Erwerb.

Unsere Kunden werden

SIPA Property

Wir bieten Investoren und Endnutzern Zugang zu einzigartigen Immobilien in neuen und aufstrebenden Märkten.

Durch unser Netzwerk aus internationalen Bauträgern und Bauunternehmern wählen wir die

SIPA Maritime

Wir bieten Investoren und Endnutzern Zugang zu einzigartigen Immobilien in neuen und aufstrebenden Märkten.

Durch unser Netzwerk aus internationalen Bauträgern und Bauunternehmern wählen wir die

Vi er en del af SIPA Group SA

Se de komplementære afdelinger.

SIPA Immobilier

SIPA Immobilier opkøber investeringsejendomme i Schweiz for institutionelle og private investorer. Vi administrerer alle de trin, som deres overtagelse består af.

Vores kunder bliver aktionærer…

SIPA Property

Vi tilbyder investorer og slutkøbere adgang til unikke ejendomme inden for nye og voksende markeder.

Gennem vores netværk af internationale entreprenører og leverandører vælger vi at bygge boliger i de mest dynamiske…

SIPA Maritime

Vores eksklusive partnerskaber med verdens førende rederier giver os mulighed for at tilbyde investorer en unik adgangsmulighed.

Benyt sig af skræddersyede løsninger inden for direkte investering i handelsfartøj.

Morgan Peuvrel

Directeur secteur Suisse

Morgan Peuvrel

Director of the Swiss sector

Morgan Peuvrel

Leiter Sektor Schweiz

Morgan Peuvrel

Direktør for den schweiziske sektor

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